Thursday 21 March 2013

One Million Words and Counting!!!

I did it!!! It took me 2 years, 6 months, and 9 days, and 14 novels, but I finally reached one million words since I began my career as author in late 2010.

That’s a 1 with 6 zeroes after it!!!! Or, if you’re like me and you like numbers, you prefer to see it this way:

As I think I’ve mentioned before, I read an article awhile back about how to truly call yourself a writer you had to have written a million words. Well, I’ve poked a bit of fun at the concept, because I don’t believe for one second that total word count is the end all be all for determining who are writers and who aren’t. Even though I didn’t give much credence to the notion, at that time I began a Quest to Write One Million Words. Yeah, I know, it’s not as adventurous as seeking a Holy Grail or even to find the closest Starbucks, but it sounded like fun.

As I’ve continued to post my word count on a lone thread within my Goodreads Fan Group, more and more members have spurred me on, encouraged me, and helped motivate me to finally get here. So thanks everyone, I couldn’t have made it without you!!

Here’s a list of the books I’ve written and the word count, just in case you don’t believe me!

Angel Evolution- 73,000
Demon Evolution- 65,000
Archangel Evolution- 69,000
Unpublished MG Paranormal- 91,000 (coming soon!)
Nikki Powergloves Series (4 books)- 151,000
The Moon Dwellers- 95,000
The Star Dwellers- 95,000
The Sun Dwellers- 97,000
Fire Country- 101,000
Ice Country (Apr 4th, 2013 planned release)- 84,000
Water & Storm Country (June 7, 2013 planned release)- 82,000
TOTAL WORDS- 1,000,000+

So here’s to a million fun, suspenseful, action-packed, sometimes cheesy, and romancy words. And here’s to the next million!

Thanks for all your support and as always, HAPPY READING!

David Estes